Definition Type: Element
Name: encoder_b_src
Containing Schema: BFML-CXP.xsd
MinOccurs 0
MaxOccurs (1)
This node selects the source of the internal encoder B signal. The internal encoder B signal can be routed to a number of different cicuits.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
Drilldown into sourceXSD Diagram of encoder_b_src
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<xs:element name="encoder_b_src" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>This node selects the source of the internal encoder B signal. The internal encoder B signal can be routed to a number of different cicuits.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attribute name="source" use="optional">
                <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
                    <xs:enumeration value="None" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="Low" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="High" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="Diff" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="TTL" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="VFG0EncB" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="TSCT0" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="Button" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="CXPTrig" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="SoftwareEncB" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="VFG0TSCT0" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInTTL0" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInTTL1" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInTTL2" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInTTL3" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInTTL4" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInTTL5" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInTTL6" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInTTL7" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInTTL8" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInTTL9" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInTTL10" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInTTL11" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInDiff0" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInDiff1" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInDiff2" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInDiff3" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInDiff4" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInDiff5" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInDiff6" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInDiff7" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInDiff8" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInDiff9" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInDiff10" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInDiff11" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInOpto0" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInOpto1" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInOpto2" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInOpto3" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInOpto4" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInOpto5" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInOpto6" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxInOpto7" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxIn24V0" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxIn24V1" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxIn24V2" />
                    <xs:enumeration value="BoxIn24V3" />
Collapse Child Attributes:
Name Type Default Value Use
source source Optional