Definition Type: Element
Name: scan_type
Type: string:
Containing Schema: BFML-CXP.xsd
MinOccurs 0
MaxOccurs (1)
ContentType Restriction
This field indicates if the camera is a line scan or an area scan camera. Slightly different front end settings are needed for line scan cameras.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
XSD Diagram of scan_type
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<xs:element name="scan_type" minOccurs="0">
        <xs:documentation>This field indicates if the camera is a line scan or an area scan camera. Slightly different front end settings are needed for line scan cameras.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
            <xs:enumeration value="Area scan" />
            <xs:enumeration value="Line scan" />
            <xs:enumeration value="Area Scan" />
            <xs:enumeration value="Line Scan" />
Collapse Facets:
Facet Value
Enumeration Area scan
Enumeration Line scan
Enumeration Area Scan
Enumeration Line Scan