Go to the documentation of this file.
49 typedef struct tCIinterface *
158 #define kBFenvVar "BITFLOW_INSTALL_DIRS"
160 #define kBFbinDir "bin"
162 #define kBFcameraDir "camf"
164 #define kBFfirmwareDir "fshf"
166 #define kBFconfigDir "config"
173 #define kBFusrCustomFlags "BITFLOW_CUSTOM_USER_FLAGS"
184 #define kBFformatPPC "BITFLOW_FORMAT_PPC"
188 #define kBFenvPerIoctlDelay "BITFLOW_PER_IOCTL_DELAY"
192 #define kBFenvOverrideCamFN "BITFLOW_OVERRIDE_CAMFN"
196 #define kBFdefaultCXPretry 0
198 #define kBFenvCXPretry "BITFLOW_CXP_RETRY"
204 #define kBFenvCXPioDelay "BITFLOW_CXP_IO_DELAY"
206 #define kBFdefaultCXPioDelay 0
246 #define CiSysBrdEnum CiSysVFGenum
286 #define CiSysBrdInfo CiSysVFGinfo
311 #define CiSysBrdInfo2 CiSysVFGinfo2
374 #define CiBrdOpen CiVFGopen
379 #define CiBrdIndex CiVFGindex
390 #define CiBrdFileDescriptor CiVFGfileDescriptor
408 #define CiBrdQueryInfo CiVFGqueryInfo
453 #define CiBrdQueryState CiVFGqueryState
489 #define CiBrdInitialize CiVFGinitialize
647 #define CiBrdInquire CiVFGinquire
668 #define CiBrdInquire2 CiVFGinquire2
787 #define CiBrdClose CiVFGclose
1407 #define kCIRDCXP_ENCB_VFG0 kCIGPIN2
1408 #define kCIRDCXP_ENCB_SW kCIGPIN3
1415 #define kCIRDCXP_ENCA_SW kCIRD_swEncoder
1422 #define kCIRDCXP_SW_TRIG kCIRD_swTrigger
1764 #define BYTES_PER_PIXEL(bitsPerPixel) \
1765 (((bitsPerPixel) == 36) ? (6) : (((bitsPerPixel) + 7) >> 3))
1850 unsigned int trigDelay : 10;
1851 unsigned int trigSel : 6;
1852 unsigned int trigPol : 1;
1853 unsigned int trigEnable : 1;
1854 unsigned int _unused : 14;
1864 unsigned int _unsused : 16;
3336 unsigned int encd : 1;
3337 unsigned int encq : 1;
3338 unsigned int encb : 1;
3339 unsigned int enca : 1;
3340 unsigned int trig : 1;
@ kCIEbadFileFormat
bad file format
Definition: BFciLib.h:116
@ kCIsigGn2encA
Gn2 encoder A interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1013
@ kCIEinvalidArg
arg not valid for frame grabber
Definition: BFciLib.h:107
short int CiPollConfigure(tCIU32 desired)
Return events field of pollfd.
tCIU32 ct3state
State of CT3 (0 or 1) for this segment.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1940
unsigned int encb
Definition: BFciLib.h:3316
@ kCIBPP_formatterRGBSwap
Swap R&B.
Definition: BFciLib.h:772
@ kCIVTT_Kbn2
VFG is Karbon CL 2.
Definition: BFciLib.h:688
char * tCISTRZ
null-terminated string
Definition: BFciLib.h:55
@ kBFTSaux
The auxiliary timing sequencer.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2000
tCIU64 blockSize
size of this entry
Definition: BFciLib.h:67
Definition: BFciLib.h:1316
@ kCIbsUnassigned
never released (owned by user)
Definition: BFciLib.h:2515
tCIRC CiResetDelivered(tCIp cip, tCIU32 frameID)
Restart delivery from here.
unsigned int encEnB
enable selected encoder B
Definition: BFciLib.h:1863
tCIRC CiAqStop(tCIp cip)
Terminate continous DMA after next EOF.
@ kCImaxEventPayload
maximum event packet data size in 32-bit words.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2989
OVSTEP interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:820
tCIRC CiAqStart(tCIp cip, tCIU32 nFrames)
Start filling first frame buffer.
@ kCIPEintPollAll
Definition: BFciLib.h:828
tCIRC CiAqAbort(tCIp cip)
Terminate any DMA immediately.
@ kCIsigCXPstrmNotEnoughDat
CXP not implemented (reserved)
Definition: BFciLib.h:1038
tCIU32 which
Driver index of VFG.
Definition: BFciLib.h:315
tCIRC CiVFGloadCameraFile(tCIp cip, tCISTRZ camFN)
Load camera file data into the VFG driver data store.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2469
Definition: BFciLib.h:1431
@ kCIsigCXPstrmOverflow
CXP stream packet buffer overflow.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1041
@ kCIVTT_KbnBase
VFG is Karbon CL base configuration.
Definition: BFciLib.h:690
tCIU32 numWords
message data size in 32-bit words
Definition: BFciLib.h:2997
tCIRC CiCamFileInquire(tCIp cip, tCIU32 param, tCIU32 *value)
Query camera file parameters initialized on the VFG.
@ kCISQenumQueued
count events queued presently
Definition: BFciLib.h:1076
tCIRC CiVFGapplyCurrent(tCIp cip, tCIU32 initFlags)
Initialize a VFG from its driver data store.
@ kCIVTT_NeonBase
VFG is Neon CL base configuration.
Definition: BFciLib.h:693
@ kCIsigCTAB
CTAB interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:998
tCIRC CiVFGloadConfig(tCIp cip, tCISTRZ cfgFN)
Load configuration data into the VFG driver data store.
CT0 from CTAB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1255
tCIU32 nameSpace
event name space (see tCiCXPeventNamespaceEnum)
Definition: BFciLib.h:3026
Definition: BFciLib.h:440
@ kCIVTT_Master
VFG is master.
Definition: BFciLib.h:697
tCIU32 devNdx
/dev/video<Ndx> of entry
Definition: BFciLib.h:316
unsigned int _unused
Definition: BFciLib.h:3301
@ kBFTSmain
The main timing sequencer.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1999
@ kBFTShigh
Trigger high.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2028
@ kCIEexclusiveAlready
board already open w/write
Definition: BFciLib.h:111
Definition: BFciLib.h:3024
Definition: BFciLib.h:1344
@ kCIintCountTRIG
TRIG ints not reset at AqStart.
Definition: BFciLib.h:921
@ kCIEresourceBusy
resource in use
Definition: BFciLib.h:137
tCIRC CiRegPeek(tCIp cip, tCIU32 ndx, tCIU32 *result)
< Read a 32b register.
@ kBFTSTsol
Definition: BFciLib.h:2013
Definition: BFciLib.h:1429
tCIRC CiMapFrameBuffers(tCIp cip, tCIU32 nzWrite, tCIU32 *nPtrs, tCIU8 ***uPtrs)
Returns user ptrs to frame buff(s).
unsigned int fCount
3b counter on vert aq window
Definition: BFciLib.h:3295
@ kCIsigCXPctlAckVerErr
CXP control packet ack version mismatch.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1025
unsigned int vCount
CTAB vCount.
Definition: BFciLib.h:3299
unsigned int dropCnt
Definition: BFciLib.h:3310
tCIRC CiSysVFGinfo(tCIU32 which, tCIU32 *ifaceType, tCIU32 *switches, tCIU32 *devNdx, tCISTRZ busName)
Identify a single VFG.
@ kCIEnoErr
no error
Definition: BFciLib.h:100
NeonDIF frame grabber.
Definition: BFciLib.h:271
tCIU32 CiPollResult(short int revents)
Return mask of kCIPollEventEnums.
tCIRC CiGetDiag(tCIp cip, tCIdiagStruct *ds)
Retrieve diagnostic information.
@ kCIVTT_HasSerialPort
VFG has a serial port.
Definition: BFciLib.h:722
tCIRC CiCLwriteBytes(tCIp cip, tCIU32 buffSize, tCIU8 *buffer)
Write bytes to CL interface.
tCIRC CiRegGetCount(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *nReg)
Number of 32b registers.
@ kCIVTT_Ctn
VFG is Cyton CXP.
Definition: BFciLib.h:702
tCIRC CiFieldPeek(tCIp cip, tCIU32 ndx, tCIU32 *result)
Read a CON register field.
@ kCIintCountDTR
Definition: BFciLib.h:946
@ kCIVTT_NeonD
VFG is Neon CL Dual.
Definition: BFciLib.h:694
tCIU32 dataID
not used at present
Definition: BFciLib.h:91
CT1 from CTAB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1302
@ kCIEbadCRC
file has bad CRC
Definition: BFciLib.h:117
@ kCIAQScontinuousInProcess
after Start w/0 nFrames
Definition: BFciLib.h:2189
@ kCIsigGn2bmError
Gn2 buffer manager error interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1010
tCIRC CiLUTread(tCIp cip, tCIU32 bank, tCIU32 lane, tCIU32 count, tCIU32 *values)
Examine a LUT.
TRIG interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:814
@ kCICXPEnamespaceReserved
Reserved event message namespace.
Definition: BFciLib.h:3061
tCIU64 timestamp
TSC or Gn2 timestamp of the signal event.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1145
tCIRC CiReadSerialNo(tCIp cip, char *str)
Get the board serial number for this VFG (if it exists).
tCIRC CiGPOUTset(tCIp cip, tCIU32 mask, tCIU32 value)
Set the GPOUT values.
@ kCItrigPerFrame
trigger assert starts frame
Definition: BFciLib.h:1915
Definition: BFciLib.h:1347
@ kCIVTT_Gn2
VFG is Gen 2.
Definition: BFciLib.h:701
tCIRC CiTrigConfigGet(tCIp cip, tCItrigConfig *vCfg, tCItrigConfig *hCfg, tCIU32 *mode)
Retrieve current trigger setup.
@ kCIbsUnknown
Definition: BFciLib.h:2528
tCIDOUBLE period
Time (in milliseconds) for this segment.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1936
tCIU32 masterHostConnectionID
connection ID on which the event packet was sent
Definition: BFciLib.h:2993
@ kCIEnoDataErr
no such data
Definition: BFciLib.h:125
@ kCIVTT_Kbn4
VFG is Karbon CL 4.
Definition: BFciLib.h:689
@ kCIBQ_firmwareLoaded
Definition: BFciLib.h:445
Timing Sequencer selection.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1998
@ kCIVTT_Clx
VFG is Claxon CXP.
Definition: BFciLib.h:717
tCIRC CiCLinfo(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *dataBits, tCIU32 *parity, tCIU32 *stopBits, tCIU32 *baud)
Get settings of CL serial port.
unsigned int encSelA
(see documentation)
Definition: BFciLib.h:1858
tCIRC CiCLreadBytes(tCIp cip, tCIU32 buffSize, tCIU32 *bytesRead, tCIU8 *buffer)
Read bytes from buffer.
unsigned int pCount
2b counter on PCLK
Definition: BFciLib.h:3297
Definition: BFciLib.h:2992
@ kCItrigOneShot
trig asserts starts frame
Definition: BFciLib.h:1920
tCIRC CiGetMostRecentFrame(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *frameID, tCIU8 **frameData)
Return most recently acquired.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1276
@ kCIVTT_Axn1xB
VFG is Axion CL 1xB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:710
@ kCIlibMaxDevScan
Definition: BFciLib.h:215
length of compressed CTAB
Definition: BFciLib.h:3355
@ kCIEaqAbortedErr
acquisition was aborted
Definition: BFciLib.h:136
@ kBF_tCIU32_pair
two 32b values
Definition: BFciLib.h:78
tCIRC CiGetExtraFrameInfo(tCIp cip, tCIU32 recSize, tCIXBIP storeHere)
Retrieve non-pixel information.
VFG is Aon CXP 1.
Definition: BFciLib.h:715
unsigned int fActive
camera within vert aq window
Definition: BFciLib.h:3294
Axion CL frame grabber.
Definition: BFciLib.h:276
Definition: BFciLib.h:1324
unsigned short tCIU16
CTABs mostly.
Definition: BFciLib.h:52
SERIAL interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:815
Definition: BFciLib.h:368
unsigned int trigPol
0 => assert is rising edge
Definition: BFciLib.h:1832
unsigned int _unsused
Definition: BFciLib.h:1834
Definition: BFciLib.h:1393
@ kCIcamFile_vROIoffset
vertical ROI offset
Definition: BFciLib.h:752
unsigned char tCIU8
data pointer
Definition: BFciLib.h:51
tCIU8 isCL
True if the VFG is Camera Link.
Definition: BFciLib.h:321
@ kCIcamFile_acqTimeout
acquisition timeout in ms
Definition: BFciLib.h:755
@ kBFTSTtrigSel
Trigger Select.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2005
void(* tCIstrDisplayF)(char *fmt,...)
Definition: BFciLib.h:3175
unsigned int chan
Definition: BFciLib.h:3330
struct tCISGentry * tCISGP
@ kCICT_Karbon
Karbon frame grabber.
Definition: BFciLib.h:272
tCIU64 packetHostTime
packet timestamp of host
Definition: BFciLib.h:2961
unsigned int fixed
TAP_FIXED_VAL (13 of 16)
Definition: BFciLib.h:3325
Definition: BFciLib.h:73
tCIU32 waitForTrig
Trigger condition to execute period (tCITSwaitForTriggerTypeEnum)
Definition: BFciLib.h:1941
@ kCIEbufferUnderrunErr
not enough released buffers
Definition: BFciLib.h:131
Definition: BFciLib.h:1388
CLOCK; freq from CFREQ in CON1.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1259
@ kCIEplatformFail
no DirectGMA/GPUDirect support
Definition: BFciLib.h:144
@ kCIsigGn2encB
Gn2 encoder B interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1014
@ kCIVTT_Axn2xE
VFG is Axion CL 2xE.
Definition: BFciLib.h:709
@ kCIsigCXPctlRspFIFOovf
CXP detected overflow in control response FIFO.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1029
tCISTRZ descriptor
pointer to description of value
Definition: BFciLib.h:92
unsigned long long tCIU64
really big sizes
Definition: BFciLib.h:54
@ kCIVTT_KbnFull
VFG is Karbon CL full configuration.
Definition: BFciLib.h:691
Definition: BFciLib.h:175
Definition: BFciLib.h:1355
@ kCIintCountQUAD
Definition: BFciLib.h:923
tCIRC CiGetBufferID(tCIp cip, tCIU32 frameID, tCIU32 *buffID)
Get the buffer ID of a frame.
tCIU32 packetConnectionID
packet connection ID
Definition: BFciLib.h:2962
tCIU8 isSynthetic
True if the VFG has a synthetic camera file attached.
Definition: BFciLib.h:322
@ kCIsigCXPctlReqFIFOovf
CXP detected overflow in control request FIFO.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1030
@ kCItrigFreeRun
board is slave to camera
Definition: BFciLib.h:1911
@ kCIPEintError
Definition: BFciLib.h:834
tCIU8 CiVFGtest(tCIp cip, tCIU32 trait, tCIU32 opt)
Test the VFG to determine whether or not it matches the trait.
@ kCIRD_swEncoder
Definition: BFciLib.h:1399
@ kCIintCountEOF
Definition: BFciLib.h:925
@ kCIBO_readOnly
cannot modify board state
Definition: BFciLib.h:369
tCIRC CiCLloopback(tCIp cip, tCIU32 nzSet)
Set/clear CameraLink loopback.
Definition: BFciLib.h:269
@ kBFallPagesZero
Definition: BFciLib.h:178
tCIRC CiVFGinquire2(tCIp cip, tCITDP *cfgFN, tCITDP *config, tCITDP *cameraFN, tCITDP *camera, tCITDP *firmFN, tCITDP *firmware, tCITDP *serial, tCITDP *cxpLink, tCITDP *spare, char **fmtPtr)
Definition: BFciLib.h:1321
tCIRC CiCXPwriteData(tCIp cip, tCIU32 link, tCIU32 address, tCIU8 *data, tCIU32 byteCount)
Write to CXP data space.
@ kCIAQSinvalidState
Definition: BFciLib.h:2183
@ kCIsigCXPoverCurrent
CXP over current detected.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1023
@ kCIBQ_dmaIsAborted
Definition: BFciLib.h:448
@ kCIsigGn2zStart
Gn2 start-of-volume interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1017
@ kCIintCountSERIAL
Definition: BFciLib.h:922
@ kCIsigCXPioackUnknownType
CXP I/O acknowledgement has unknown type.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1033
Definition: BFciLib.h:215
@ kCIBPP_formatterNormal
No special processing.
Definition: BFciLib.h:771
Definition: BFciLib.h:2511
tCIRC CiUserBuffConfigureSG(tCIp cip, tCIU32 nSGentry, tCISGP sgList, tCIU32 hROIoffset, tCIU32 hROIsize, tCIU32 vROIoffset, tCIU32 vROIsize)
Scatter-gather DMA resources.
tCIRC CiSetDebugCL(tCIp cip, tCIstrDisplayF dispFunc)
Allow debug display of all CameraLink init, term, and i/o.
unsigned int encd
Definition: BFciLib.h:3314
Definition: BFciLib.h:1430
unsigned int trigSel
Definition: BFciLib.h:1831
tCIRC CiGetIntCounts(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *ic)
Interrupts since last AqStart.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1308
@ kCIcamFile_appliedToVFG
whether or not a camera file has been applied to the VFG
Definition: BFciLib.h:762
Definition: BFciLib.h:817
tCIRC CiGetBufferStatus(tCIp cip, tCIU32 buffID, tCIU32 *status)
Get the status of a frame buffer.
@ kBFTSTencASel
Encoder A Select.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2006
unsigned int trigIntCfg
Definition: BFciLib.h:1830
@ kCIEcfgNotApplied
not initialized or config not applied
Definition: BFciLib.h:146
Definition: BFciLib.h:1299
@ kCIEfirstEC
Definition: BFciLib.h:101
Definition: BFciLib.h:1390
CT2 from CTAB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1257
Definition: BFciLib.h:1353
@ kBFTSTencBSel
Encoder B Select.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2007
unsigned int dval
Definition: BFciLib.h:3329
Definition: BFciLib.h:812
@ kCICCOC_onBoard
on-board signal
Definition: BFciLib.h:1285
Definition: BFciLib.h:1346
Aon CXP frame grabber.
Definition: BFciLib.h:277
tCIVOIDP datap
pointer to data
Definition: BFciLib.h:93
@ kCIBQ_startingUp
Definition: BFciLib.h:442
int tCIRC
function result code
Definition: BFciLib.h:50
@ kCIVTT_Axn2xB
VFG is Axion CL 2xB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:711
@ kCINinterruptCounters
size of storage array
Definition: BFciLib.h:937
tCIRC CiCXPgetHostTime(tCIp cip, tCIU32 link, tCIU64 *hostTime)
Retrieve the host time value.
@ kCIVTT_EncDiv
VFG supports the encoder-divider.
Definition: BFciLib.h:699
@ kCIEbadToken
invalid tCIp
Definition: BFciLib.h:105
tCIU32 camCRC
CRC indicated by the camera.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2995
tCIRC CiConfigROI(tCIU32 devNdx, tCIU32 hROIoffset, tCIU32 hROIsize, tCIU32 vROIoffset, tCIU32 vROIsize)
Attempt to configure for xawtv.
@ kCICT_Alta
Alta frame grabber (deprecated)
Definition: BFciLib.h:273
@ kCIcircularBuffers
Definition: BFciLib.h:2470
tCIRC CiVFGfileDescriptor(tCIp cip, int *fdp)
Return file descriptor for VFG.
CT2 from CTAB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1284
@ kCIEversionErr
driver/library do not match
Definition: BFciLib.h:121
@ kCICXPEnamespaceCXP
CXP event message.
Definition: BFciLib.h:3059
@ kCIintCountCXP
Definition: BFciLib.h:927
@ kCIEinfoAgedOut
bufferID not on history list
Definition: BFciLib.h:132
tCIRC CiCXPgetLink(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *links)
Retrieve link affinity for VFG.
struct tCIsignalEventData * tCISEDP
unsigned int hCount
CTAB hCount (2 LSB)
Definition: BFciLib.h:3300
Definition: BFciLib.h:2959
struct tCiCXPeventPacket * tCICXPEP
CT3 from CTAB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1258
tCIRC CiGetOpenCount(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *nOpen)
Get count of open file descriptors for this VFG.
@ kCIBQ_shuttingDown
Definition: BFciLib.h:441
tCIRC CiEncInterruptEnable(tCIp cip, tCIU32 zAelseB)
Enable ENCA/B interrupts.
tCIRC CiConfigROI2(tCIU32 devNdx, tCIU32 nBuff, tCIU32 hROIoffset, tCIU32 hROIsize, tCIU32 vROIoffset, tCIU32 vROIsize)
Attempt to config for xawtv(v4l2).
Data struct representing a signal event.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1143
< Signal queue operations
Definition: BFciLib.h:1075
SERIAL interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:996
tCIRC CiDriverLog(tCIp cip, tCIU32 level, char *str)
String to system log via driver.
tCIU32 numLinks
Total number of links associated with this VFG.
Definition: BFciLib.h:327
char * CiFieldNameFromNdx(tCIp cip, int ndx)
Return label for enumerate.
@ kCISQenumDropped
count events dropped
Definition: BFciLib.h:1078
@ kBFTSTgatedTrig
Gated Trigger.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2009
tCIRC CiTrigInterruptEnable(tCIp cip)
Enable TRIG interrupts.
CT0 from TS.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1317
tCIRC CiTrigInterruptDisable(tCIp cip)
Disable TRIG interrupts.
@ kCIVTT_R64
VFG belongs to the R64 family.
Definition: BFciLib.h:684
struct tCItypedData * tCITDP
Definition: BFciLib.h:747
@ kCIsigCXPtrigAckRcvd
CXP trigger acknowledgement received.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1024
Definition: BFciLib.h:1287
tCIRC CiSignalSetup(tCIp cip, tCIU32 signal, tCIU32 link, tCISHP *cish)
Create a signal handle.
tCISTRZ CiErrStr(tCIRC circ)
Text description of error code.
void CiSetMaxDevices(tCIU32 maxDev)
Max /dev/video<n> to scan.
@ kCIsigGn2aeLossOfSync
Gn2 acquisition engine loss-of-sync interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1011
@ kCIIF_default
default VFG intiailization
Definition: BFciLib.h:614
VFG is Aon CXP Mark II.
Definition: BFciLib.h:716
@ kCIEfileError
error opening/reading file
Definition: BFciLib.h:114
@ kCICT_Neon
Neon frame grabber.
Definition: BFciLib.h:270
unsigned int encEnable
0 => no hardware encoder
Definition: BFciLib.h:1841
@ kCIBPP_formatterIgnore
ignore bpp; assume 8b
Definition: BFciLib.h:774
@ kCIEdmaErr
DMA aborted and did not terminate.
Definition: BFciLib.h:128
unsigned int cmode
Definition: BFciLib.h:3331
OVSTEP interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1000
@ kCIintCountHW
Definition: BFciLib.h:920
@ kCIsigCXPioackNoMatch
CXP problem decoding IO acknowledgement.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1034
unsigned int clClk1
Definition: BFciLib.h:3333
tCIU32 ifaceType
Neon, Karbon, etc.
Definition: BFciLib.h:319
@ kCIEwrongMode
consume buffers not configured
Definition: BFciLib.h:133
modifies snapShot/continuous states
Definition: BFciLib.h:2199
tCIU32 ct0state
State of CT0 (0 or 1) for this segment.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1937
@ kCIsigGn2zAcquired
Gn2 end-of-volume interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1009
VFG is Claxon CXP 4.
Definition: BFciLib.h:720
@ kCIsigCXPstrmTooMuchDat
CXP not implemented (reserved)
Definition: BFciLib.h:1039
@ kBFTSTeol
Definition: BFciLib.h:2014
tCIRC CiAqSWreset(tCIp cip)
Software reset to hardware/drvr.
@ kCIBPP_formatterManual
use the manual tap format
Definition: BFciLib.h:773
@ kCIEfileNotFound
could not find file
Definition: BFciLib.h:119
unsigned int unexp
Definition: BFciLib.h:3312
@ kCICCCCXP_last
Definition: BFciLib.h:1327
tCIRC CiRegPoke(tCIp cip, tCIU32 ndx, tCIU32 value, tCIU32 mask)
Write a 32b register.
@ kCISQenumReceived
count events received (including dropped)
Definition: BFciLib.h:1077
Definition: BFciLib.h:816
Structure used for array of VFG state info.
Definition: BFciLib.h:314
tCIRC CiCXPreadReg(tCIp cip, tCIU32 link, tCIU32 address, tCIU32 *value)
Read from CXP register.
@ kCIPEintHW
frame grabber HW interrupt
Definition: BFciLib.h:813
tCIRC CiVerifyCIP(tCIp cip)
Check integrity of token.
@ kCIAQScontinuousDone
EOF after Stop rqst, DMA idle.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2193
Definition: BFciLib.h:1377
@ kCIsigHW
frame grabber HW interrupt
Definition: BFciLib.h:994
Definition: BFciLib.h:1387
@ kCIVTT_CLclockDetected
Camera Link clock detected.
Definition: BFciLib.h:729
@ kCIsigQUAD
QUAD intrpt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:997
Definition: BFciLib.h:1306
Definition: BFciLib.h:1307
unsigned int rcvCnt
Definition: BFciLib.h:3308
struct tCIextraFrameInfo * tCIXBIP
Definition: BFciLib.h:1821
Definition: BFciLib.h:99
@ kCIBQ_dmaBufferReady
Definition: BFciLib.h:446
@ kCIBQ_dmaIsActive
Definition: BFciLib.h:447
VFG is Cyton CXP 4.
Definition: BFciLib.h:704
@ kCIEbadID
invalid bufferID or frameID
Definition: BFciLib.h:134
@ kCIVTT_NeonDif
VFG is Neon Dif.
Definition: BFciLib.h:696
tCIRC CiUserBuffConfigureSplit(tCIp cipA, tCIU32 hROIoffsetA, tCIU32 hROIsizeA, tCIU32 vROIoffsetA, tCIU32 vROIsizeA, tCIp cipB, tCIU32 hROIoffsetB, tCIU32 hROIsizeB, tCIU32 vROIoffsetB, tCIU32 vROIsizeB, tCIU32 nFrames, tCIU8 *userBuffer, tCIU64 buffSz, tCIU32 vertHoriz)
DMA 2 VFG into one user buffer.
@ kCIsigCXPhbRcvd
CXP heart beat packet received.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1036
tCIRC CiCXPgetLastHeartbeat(tCIp cip, tCIU32 link, tCIU32 recSize, tCICXPHBP storeHere)
Retrieve the latest CXP heartbeat value.
tCIRC CiReleaseBuffer(tCIp cip, tCIU32 buffID)
Release a frame buffer for DMA.
tCIRC CiWriteCTABcompressed(tCIp cip, tCIU32 horizVERT, tCIU32 *data)
Write the compressed CTAB information.
@ kBFCLoutFIFOhasRoom
room for at least one byte
Definition: BFciLib.h:2792
only CC4; CLOCK not available
Definition: BFciLib.h:1293
Definition: BFciLib.h:1386
@ kCIEuserDMAerr
user-allocated DMA buffer gone
Definition: BFciLib.h:129
@ kBFTStrigUnknown
Definition: BFciLib.h:2031
@ kCIintBitsGn2
bitmask, not counter
Definition: BFciLib.h:933
@ kCIEexclusiveFail
board not or already open w/exclusive wr
Definition: BFciLib.h:110
unsigned int o16
Definition: BFciLib.h:3327
@ kCIEparseErr
error parsing file
Definition: BFciLib.h:118
struct tCITSentry * tCITSEP
@ kCIintBitsCXP
bitmask, not counter
Definition: BFciLib.h:932
VFG is Claxon CXP 1.
Definition: BFciLib.h:718
@ kCItrigOneShotStartAStopA
acquire while trigger asserted
Definition: BFciLib.h:1921
tCIRC CiCLgetOutputFIFOstatus(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *status)
Test status of CL output FIFO.
tCIRC CiReadCTABcompressed(tCIp cip, tCIU32 horizVERT, tCIU32 *data)
Read the compressed CTAB information.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2988
@ kCIsigTRIG
TRIG interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:995
@ kBFTSTfvalRising
Definition: BFciLib.h:2015
@ kCIVTT_Axn1xE
VFG is Axion CL 1xE.
Definition: BFciLib.h:708
tCIU32 CiRegGetFields(tCIp cip, tCIU32 ndx, tCIU32 *ndxAry, tCIU32 *cnt)
Return register Field indices.
@ kCIBQ_usrDMAerr
Definition: BFciLib.h:443
Definition: BFciLib.h:1385
@ kCIsigGn2yStart
Gn2 start-of-frame interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1016
@ kCIcamFile_format
format of the image sensor
Definition: BFciLib.h:754
tCIU32 ct2state
State of CT2 (0 or 1) for this segment.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1939
@ kCIconsumeBuffers
Definition: BFciLib.h:2471
CT3 from CTAB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1304
tCIRC CiReadHWrev(tCIp cip, char *str)
Get the hardware revision string for this VFG (if it exists).
Definition: BFciLib.h:1351
@ kBFTSTlvalFalling
Definition: BFciLib.h:2018
tCIRC CiDrvrBuffConfigure(tCIp cip, tCIU32 count, tCIU32 hROIoffset, tCIU32 hROIsize, tCIU32 vROIoffset, tCIU32 vROIsize)
Driver allocates DMA resources.
@ kCIBO_exclusiveWrAccess
no previous/subsequent wr access
Definition: BFciLib.h:371
@ kCIVTT_Synthetic
VFG is configured for synthetic acquisition.
Definition: BFciLib.h:724
tCIRC CiWaitNextUndeliveredFrame(tCIp cip, int timeoutMsec)
Return at EOF of next undelivered.
@ kCIEcanceledErr
operation canceled
Definition: BFciLib.h:147
tCIRC CiCLgetBytesAvail(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *avail)
Return number of bytes in buffer.
tCIRC CiVFGinitialize(tCIp cip, tCISTRZ cfgFN)
Initialize board or VFG.
unsigned int errCnt
Definition: BFciLib.h:3309
tCIRC CiUserBuffConfigure(tCIp cip, tCIU32 count, tCIU8 *buffer, tCIU64 bufferBytes, tCIU32 hROIoffset, tCIU32 hROIsize, tCIU32 vROIoffset, tCIU32 vROIsize)
User allocates DMA resources.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1908
@ kCIEnotMaster
only master VFG can do this
Definition: BFciLib.h:139
Claxon CXP frame grabber.
Definition: BFciLib.h:278
unsigned int encSel
00diff/01TTL/10opto/11reserved *
Definition: BFciLib.h:1839
@ kCIcamFile_isDefault
determine if a parameter is Default/Auto
Definition: BFciLib.h:767
tCIU32 hostCRC
CRC calculated by the host.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2996
@ kCIintCountTOTAL
Definition: BFciLib.h:928
unsigned int clClk2
Definition: BFciLib.h:3334
tCIU64 packetDeviceTime
packet timestamp from device
Definition: BFciLib.h:2960
@ kCIintCountOVSTEP
Definition: BFciLib.h:926
@ kCiCXPuseMasterLink
Definition: BFciLib.h:2932
tCIRC CiTrigConfigure(tCIp cip, tCItrigConfig vCfg, tCItrigConfig hCfg)
Configure vert/horiz data trig.
tCIU32 packetTag
packet tag of this event
Definition: BFciLib.h:2994
tCIRC CiGetUndeliveredCount(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *count)
Return number of undelivered frames.
@ kCIEnotSupported
operation not supported on hw
Definition: BFciLib.h:123
Definition: BFciLib.h:993
VFG is Cyton CXP 2.
Definition: BFciLib.h:703
tCIU32 masterLink
For CXP cameras, the link connected to the camera's master link.
Definition: BFciLib.h:324
CT2 from TS.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1319
@ kCIcamFile_bitDepthOption
bit-depth options (see tCIbitDepthOptionEnums)
Definition: BFciLib.h:758
unsigned int trig
Definition: BFciLib.h:3318
@ kCIErangeErr
parameter out of range
Definition: BFciLib.h:103
Definition: BFciLib.h:3286
unsigned int tmode
Definition: BFciLib.h:3326
tCIRC CiSysVFGinfo2(tCIU32 which, tCIU32 *ifaceType, tCIU32 *switches, tCIU32 *devNdx, tCISTRZ busName, tCIU32 *infoHi, tCIU32 *infoLo, tCISTRZ VFGname, tCIU32 *NUMAnode)
More info on a single VFG.
@ kBF_invalidData
descriptor is invalid
Definition: BFciLib.h:74
tCIRC CiSignalCleanup(tCIp cip, tCISHP cish, tCIU32 queueOp, tCIU32 *count)
Cleanup the signal handle, and all associated resources.
@ kCIAQSstateMask
reserve 4b for actual state
Definition: BFciLib.h:2195
Definition: BFciLib.h:2791
CT0 from CTAB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1282
VFG supports the NTG.
Definition: BFciLib.h:700
tCIRC CiCXPreadEventPacket(tCIp cip, tCIU32 link, tCIU32 recSize, tCICXPEP storeHere)
Read a CXP event packet from the event packet queue.
@ kCIRD_swTrigger
Definition: BFciLib.h:1398
int CiFieldWidth(tCIp cip, int fieldNdx)
Return field width.
@ kBFTSTlvalRising
Definition: BFciLib.h:2017
@ kCIPEdrvrErr
non-hardware driver error
Definition: BFciLib.h:821
@ kCIGPOC_Internal
freq/duty cycle from CON17
Definition: BFciLib.h:1260
@ kCIsigCXPserdesLostAlign
CXP SERDES lost alignment.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1043
CXP interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:823
@ kCIPEnoFirmware
not ready to poll()
Definition: BFciLib.h:822
Karbon CXP frame grabber (deprecated)
Definition: BFciLib.h:274
@ kBFTSrisingEdge
Rising edge.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2026
@ kCIAQScontinuousStopping
after Stop requested, before EOF
Definition: BFciLib.h:2192
@ kCICT_VFGmask
Definition: BFciLib.h:279
@ kCIbsPending
ready for DMA (owned by drvr)
Definition: BFciLib.h:2520
CT1 from CTAB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1256
unsigned int _unused
Definition: BFciLib.h:1842
Definition: BFciLib.h:1394
@ kCIsigCXPhbError
CXP problem decoding heart beat packet.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1035
@ kCISQflush
flush entries from the queue
Definition: BFciLib.h:1079
@ kCIsigCXPdownTrigRcvd
CXP trigger received from camera.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1031
a '\0' terminated string
Definition: BFciLib.h:77
struct tCIsignalHandle * tCISHP
anonymous signal handle
Definition: BFciLib.h:967
@ kBF_tCIU32_tCISTRZ_pair
number and a '\0' term string
Definition: BFciLib.h:80
@ kCIEnoAccessibleVideo
no access to BitFlow /dev/video<n>
Definition: BFciLib.h:102
True if the VFG is CXP.
Definition: BFciLib.h:320
struct tCiCXPheartbeat * tCICXPHBP
CT1 from TS.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1318
@ kCIBO_writeAccess
can modify board state
Definition: BFciLib.h:370
Definition: BFciLib.h:914
@ kCIVTT_Slave
VFG is slave.
Definition: BFciLib.h:698
tCIU8 * block
data pointer for DMA
Definition: BFciLib.h:66
@ kCIcamFile_hROIoffset
horizontal ROI offset
Definition: BFciLib.h:750
@ kCiCXPlinkBitMask
Definition: BFciLib.h:2929
unsigned int encDiv
divisor for encoder pulses
Definition: BFciLib.h:1838
tCIRC CiVFGqueryInfo(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *ifaceType, tCIU32 *switches, tCIU32 *devNdx, tCISTRZ busName, tCIU32 *infoHi, tCIU32 *infoLo, tCISTRZ VFGname, tCIU32 *NUMAnode)
Return SysVFGinfo for open VFG.
char * CiRegName(tCIp cip, tCIU32 ndx)
Return register name.
@ kCIVTT_CameraReady
Camera is connected and has power up.
Definition: BFciLib.h:731
tCIRC CiEncInterruptDisable(tCIp cip, tCIU32 zAelseB)
Disable ENCA/B interrupts.
tCIRC CiLUTsize(tCIp cip, tCIU32 bank, tCIU32 lane, tCIU32 *size, tCIU32 *width)
Return size of a specific LUT.
tCIRC CiBufferInterrogate(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *nFrames, tCIU32 *bitsPerPix, tCIU32 *hROIoffset, tCIU32 *hROIsize, tCIU32 *vROIoffset, tCIU32 *vROIsize, tCIU32 *stride)
Return DMA resource description.
@ kCICXPEnamespaceDevice
Device event message.
Definition: BFciLib.h:3060
unsigned int clClk0
Definition: BFciLib.h:3332
tCIRC CiUnmapFrameBuffers(tCIp cip)
Release user access to DMA buffs.
@ kBFTSTsof
Definition: BFciLib.h:2011
CTAB interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:818
@ kCIVTT_Axn
VFG is Axion CL.
Definition: BFciLib.h:706
unsigned int aqStat
current AQSTAT command
Definition: BFciLib.h:3293
tCIRC CiAqSWtrigEnc(tCIp cip, tCIU32 trigValue, tCIU32 encValue)
Set software trig and/or encoder.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2182
unsigned int enca
Definition: BFciLib.h:3317
VFG is Axion CL Mark II.
Definition: BFciLib.h:713
@ kCIsigCXPtrigNoMatch
CXP problem decoding trig packet.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1032
@ kBFTSTunknown
Definition: BFciLib.h:2019
@ kCIVTT_AxnBase
VFG is Axion CL base configuration.
Definition: BFciLib.h:707
tCIU32 CiVFGindex(tCIp cip)
Returns devNdx of CiVFGopen()
tCIRC CiLUTcount(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *nBank, tCIU32 *nLane)
Return count of LUT resources.
tCIRC CiGPINget(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *value)
Get the GPIN values.
void * tCIVOIDP
pointer to something
Definition: BFciLib.h:57
@ kCIAQSsnapShotInProcess
after start w/NZ nFrames
Definition: BFciLib.h:2186
Definition: BFciLib.h:1389
@ kCIVTT_traitCount
Definition: BFciLib.h:736
@ kCIIF_noGenTLinit
skip GenTL device_commands
Definition: BFciLib.h:615
unsigned int tCIU32
everything but CTABs
Definition: BFciLib.h:53
Definition: BFciLib.h:1428
unsigned int fval
Definition: BFciLib.h:3328
unsigned int speed
Definition: BFciLib.h:3313
@ kCIcamFile_requiresTLParamsLocked
whether or not TLParamsLocked is required by the camera
Definition: BFciLib.h:759
Definition: BFciLib.h:1325
@ kCIAQSaqUnderrun
modifies all states
Definition: BFciLib.h:2205
Definition: BFciLib.h:1300
@ kCIAQSaqAbort
modifies all states
Definition: BFciLib.h:2209
tCIRC CiSetBufferMode(tCIp cip, tCIU32 mode)
Set the VFG/library buffer mode.
Entry structure used to read and write sequences to the Timing Sequencer.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1935
@ kCIEnoWrPermission
do not have write permission
Definition: BFciLib.h:113
@ kCICXPEnamespaceGenICam
GenICam event message.
Definition: BFciLib.h:3058
@ kCIEnullArg
unexpected NULL argument
Definition: BFciLib.h:106
@ kCIEtimeoutErr
timeout expired error
Definition: BFciLib.h:135
tCIU32 maxLinks
Max number of links possible from this VFG.
Definition: BFciLib.h:328
@ kBFTSnoWait
No wait/no trigger.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2025
tCIRC CiCXPparseEventPacket(tCIp cip, tCIU32 index, tCIU32 evtPktSize, tCICXPEP evtPkt, tCIU32 recSize, tCICXPEM storeHere)
Parse one message stored in an event packet.
Definition: BFciLib.h:3057
@ kCIEnotCompatibleWithMaster
incompatible master VFG setting
Definition: BFciLib.h:140
VFG is Cyton CXP Mark II.
Definition: BFciLib.h:705
@ kCItrigUnknown
trig mode not known to library
Definition: BFciLib.h:1909
@ kCIEnotConfigured
camera/DMA/poll()/mmap() not configured
Definition: BFciLib.h:109
@ kCItrigQualified
acquire while trigger asserted
Definition: BFciLib.h:1916
tCIRC CiPollClear(tCIp cip, tCIU32 mask)
Clear all pending poll() events.
tCIRC CiCXPwriteReg(tCIp cip, tCIU32 link, tCIU32 address, tCIU32 value)
Write to CXP register.
@ kCIVTT_Kbn
VFG is Karbon CL.
Definition: BFciLib.h:687
tCIRC CiVFGqueryState(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *state)
? Is frame grabber initialized ?
@ kCIcamFile_maxCXPversion
maximum supported CXP version
Definition: BFciLib.h:757
tCIU32 * data
event data
Definition: BFciLib.h:3029
@ kCIsigGn2xAcquired
Gn2 end-of-line interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1008
Definition: BFciLib.h:613
unsigned int encPolB
0 => asser is rising edge
Definition: BFciLib.h:1862
@ kCIsigCXPunderCurrent
CXP under current detected.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1022
@ kCIVTT_CXPlinkPowerUp
CXP link has power up (opt = link)
Definition: BFciLib.h:726
@ kBFCLoutputFIFOidle
Definition: BFciLib.h:2794
CT3 from TS.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1320
on-board CLOCK signal
Definition: BFciLib.h:1286
tCIRC CiUserBuffConfigureEvenOdd(tCIp cipEven, tCIp cipOdd, tCIU32 hROIoffset, tCIU32 hROIsize, tCIU32 vROIoffset, tCIU32 vROIsizeOdd, tCIU32 nFrames, tCIU8 *userBuffer, tCIU64 buffSz)
DMA 2 VFG into one user buffer.
tCIRC CiAqStartSIP(tCIp cip, tCIU32 nFrames)
Begin Start-Stop Image Processing.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1322
tCIU32 allBits
Definition: BFciLib.h:1822
@ kCIEerrCodeLast
– invalid error code –
Definition: BFciLib.h:149
unsigned int lCount
2b counter on LEN
Definition: BFciLib.h:3296
Definition: BFciLib.h:1432
@ kBFTSTencDivSel
Encoder Divider.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2010
@ kCIintCountENCA
Definition: BFciLib.h:941
CT1 from CTAB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1283
tCIU32 size
event message size in bytes
Definition: BFciLib.h:3025
Definition: BFciLib.h:1048
Definition: BFciLib.h:1666
Definition: BFciLib.h:1289
tCIU32 allBits
Definition: BFciLib.h:3287
struct tCIinterface * tCIp
anonymous access token
Definition: BFciLib.h:49
@ kCIEdataOVSTEPerr
OVSTEP detected.
Definition: BFciLib.h:143
tCIU8 isValid
True if the VFG can be opened.
Definition: BFciLib.h:323
unsigned int encPolA
0 => assert is rising edge
Definition: BFciLib.h:1859
@ kCIsigGn2xStart
Gn2 start-of-line interrupt.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1015
@ kCIcamFile_vROIsize
vertical ROI size (aka, height)
Definition: BFciLib.h:753
@ kCIBQ_stateUnknown
Definition: BFciLib.h:450
tCIRC CiFieldPoke(tCIp cip, tCIU32 ndx, tCIU32 value)
Write a CON register field.
Cyton CXP frame grabber.
Definition: BFciLib.h:275
@ kCIEbadInstallErr
invalid install directory tree
Definition: BFciLib.h:122
@ kCIAQSidle
initial state, after Abort/SW reset
Definition: BFciLib.h:2184
@ kCIEuserDMAnoWrite
no write access to DMA buffers
Definition: BFciLib.h:112
CT2 from CTAB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1303
tCIRC CiCLterm(tCIp cip)
Close CameraLink access.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2928
Timing Sequencer Trigger sources.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2004
@ kBFCLoutFIFOempty
all data is gone
Definition: BFciLib.h:2793
@ kCIVTT_Aon
VFG is Aon CXP.
Definition: BFciLib.h:714
Trigger conditions for Timing Sequencer.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2023
tCIU8 isMaster
True if the VFG is the board master.
Definition: BFciLib.h:318
tCISTRZ CiFmtStr(int fmtCode)
Text description of format code.
unsigned int fenCount
2b counter on FEN
Definition: BFciLib.h:3298
@ kCIsigEOF
EOF interrupt (acquisition)
Definition: BFciLib.h:999
Definition: BFciLib.h:3354
@ kCIbsBusy
in DMA queue (owned by drvr)
Definition: BFciLib.h:2519
Definition: BFciLib.h:1261
tCIRC CiCCnCONset(tCIp cip, tCIU32 which, tCIU32 value)
Set the CCn source(s)
tCIU32 eventID
event ID
Definition: BFciLib.h:3027
@ kCItrigInvalid
invalid trigger mode
Definition: BFciLib.h:1910
unsigned int trigDelay
delays trigger 8N lines
Definition: BFciLib.h:1829
tCIU32 signal
the signal returned (tCIsignalEnums)
Definition: BFciLib.h:1144
int CiFieldNdxFromStr(tCIp cip, char *str)
Return enumerate from string.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1315
@ kCIEnotOpen
resource not initilized
Definition: BFciLib.h:138
tCIRC CiGPOUTCONset(tCIp cip, tCIU32 which, tCIU32 value)
Set the GPOUT source(s).
@ kCIEdmaOverrunErr
possible DMA into undelivered frame
Definition: BFciLib.h:126
@ kCIEfailureErr
could not flash, mmap() etc.
Definition: BFciLib.h:115
tCIRC CiGetModes(tCIp cip, tCITDP *modeData)
Get list of modes available for the present XXXX.bfml camera file.
@ kBF_tCIU32
an unsigned integer
Definition: BFciLib.h:75
unsigned int encq
Definition: BFciLib.h:3315
tCIRC CiGPOUTget(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *value)
Get the GPOUT values.
@ kCIEnoEnvVar
could not find kBFenvVar
Definition: BFciLib.h:120
@ kCIEmemoryErr
could not allocate memory
Definition: BFciLib.h:104
host sets CON4
Definition: BFciLib.h:1254
@ kCIsigCXPstrmCorner
CXP not implemented (reserved)
Definition: BFciLib.h:1042
@ kCIEdataErr
HW and OVSTEP detected.
Definition: BFciLib.h:127
tCIRC CiAqGetStatus(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *state, tCIU32 *nFrames, tCIU32 *nErrors)
Describe the acquisition state.
@ kBFTSfallingEdge
Falling edge.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2027
tCIRC CiTSsequenceSet(tCIp cip, tCIU32 sequencer, tCIU32 tsArySize, tCITSEP tsAry, tCIU32 preTrigCT0, tCIU32 preTrigCT1, tCIU32 preTrigCT2, tCIU32 preTrigCT3, tCIU32 triggerSrc)
Set a sequence in the timing sequencer from a linked list of segments.
unsigned int gntCnt
Definition: BFciLib.h:3311
tCIRC CiVFGclose(tCIp cip)
Close a VFG.
@ kCIVTT_NeonQ
VFG is Neon CL Quad.
Definition: BFciLib.h:695
@ kCIcamFile_loadedToDrvr
whether or not a camera file has been loaded to the driver store
Definition: BFciLib.h:761
Definition: BFciLib.h:1340
@ kBFupsideDownB
VFG B fills frame bottom up.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1673
VFG interface is CoaXPress.
Definition: BFciLib.h:686
tCIRC CiSysGetVersions(tCIU32 *libVers, tCIU32 *drvVers)
Return library revision level.
@ kCIcamFile_bitsPerPix
Definition: BFciLib.h:748
@ kCIAQSsnapShotDone
nFrames collected, DMA idle
Definition: BFciLib.h:2187
Definition: BFciLib.h:1309
@ kCIbsFilled
frame complete (owned by user)
Definition: BFciLib.h:2524
@ kCIEnoNewData
no undelivered frames
Definition: BFciLib.h:130
@ kCIVTT_CXPlinkAlive
CXP link is aligned (opt = link)
Definition: BFciLib.h:727
Definition: BFciLib.h:770
Reset HW/OVSTEP error w/o acquisition restart.
@ kCIPEintGn2
Gn2 interrupts not mapped above (X_START, etc.)
Definition: BFciLib.h:824
tCIRC CiVFGinquire(tCIp cip, tCITDP *cfgFN, tCITDP *config, tCITDP *cameraFN, tCITDP *camera, tCITDP *firmFN, tCITDP *firmware, tCITDP *serial)
Interrogate configuration.
a floating point value
Definition: BFciLib.h:76
@ kCiCXPlinkSpeedMask
Definition: BFciLib.h:2930
@ kBF_tCIU32_list_pair
count then value pairs of 32b
Definition: BFciLib.h:79
tCIU64 timeStamp
Definition: BFciLib.h:3028
@ kBFTSTeof
Definition: BFciLib.h:2012
Definition: BFciLib.h:1391
tCIU32 ct1state
State of CT1 (0 or 1) for this segment.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1938
struct tCiCXPeventMessage * tCICXPEM
struct tCIvfgStateEntry * tCIVFGSEP
Definition: BFciLib.h:1392
@ kCIcamFile_acqOffWhenClosing
camera acq stopped at close
Definition: BFciLib.h:756
tCIRC CiSignalExec(tCIp cip, tCIU32 cishCnt, tCISHP *cishAry, tCIU32 maxWakeCnt, tCIU32 *pWakeCnt, int timeoutMsec)
Execute the signal wait service.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1288
VFG is Claxon CXP 2.
Definition: BFciLib.h:719
tCIRC CiCLwriteBytesToFIFO(tCIp cip, tCIU32 buffSize, tCIU8 *buffer)
Write bytes to CL interface.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1341
tCIRC CiCXPreadData(tCIp cip, tCIU32 link, tCIU32 address, tCIU8 *buffer, tCIU32 readBytes, tCIU32 *actualSz)
Read from CXP data space (buffer size should be multiple of 4)
unsigned int clClk3
Definition: BFciLib.h:3335
Definition: BFciLib.h:1343
Definition: BFciLib.h:1323
@ kCIsigCXPstrmPktDrop
CXP problem decoding stream packet header, remainder dropped.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1037
@ kCIsigCXPctlAckRcvd
CXP control acknowledgement received.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1026
Definition: BFciLib.h:1354
@ kBFsplitHorizontal
Definition: BFciLib.h:1668
@ kBFTSTfvalFalling
Definition: BFciLib.h:2016
tCIRC CiSignalQueueOp(tCIp cip, tCISHP cish, tCIU32 operation, tCIU32 *count)
Signal queue inquiry and manipulation.
unsigned int encSelB
(see documentation)
Definition: BFciLib.h:1861
tCIRC CiSignalWaitCancel(tCIp cip, tCISHP cish)
Cancel one call to CiSignalWait.
EOF interrupt (acquisition)
Definition: BFciLib.h:819
tCIRC CiSetDebug(tCIp cip, int drvDebug, tCIstrDisplayF dispFunc)
tCIRC CiLUTwrite(tCIp cip, tCIU32 bank, tCIU32 lane, tCIU32 count, tCIU32 *values)
Load a LUT.
tCIRC CiCXPsetLink(tCIp cip, tCIU32 links)
Assign link affinity for VFG.
unsigned int encEnA
enable selected encoder A
Definition: BFciLib.h:1860
@ kCIsigCXPstrmBadCRC
CXP detected CRC error in stream packet.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1040
tCIRC CiVFGapplyCameraFile(tCIp cip, tCISTRZ camFN)
Initialize a VFG directly from a camera file.
@ kCIcamFile_packed
pixel packing (non-zero if packed)
Definition: BFciLib.h:749
@ kCIVTT_Neon
VFG is Neon CL.
Definition: BFciLib.h:692
tCIRC CiAqStartHiFrameRate(tCIp cip, tCIU32 nFrames)
Start filling first frame buffer using High Frame Rate Polling.
@ kCIsigCXPeventRcvd
CXP event received.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1027
@ kCIEdataHWerr
HW detected.
Definition: BFciLib.h:142
Definition: BFciLib.h:683
@ kCICT_isMaster
master frame grabber for board
Definition: BFciLib.h:283
Definition: BFciLib.h:1383
tCIRC CiTrigModeSet(tCIp cip, tCIU32 mode)
Set vertical trigger mode.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1305
@ kCIcamFile_hROIsize
horizontal ROI size (aka, width)
Definition: BFciLib.h:751
Definition: BFciLib.h:1427
@ kCIEcfgNotLoaded
no config data in driver store
Definition: BFciLib.h:145
@ kBFsplitVertical
Definition: BFciLib.h:1667
@ kCIEinvalidStateErr
operation invalid in this state
Definition: BFciLib.h:124
@ kCIAQSerrorDone
forced to abort
Definition: BFciLib.h:2190
tCIRC CiGetBufferMode(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *mode)
Get the VFG/library buffer mode.
unsigned int trigEnable
0 => no hardware trigger
Definition: BFciLib.h:1833
@ kBFTSeitherEdge
Either edge.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2030
tCIU32 dataType
one of tCIdataTypeEnums
Definition: BFciLib.h:90
tCIRC CiGetOldestNotDeliveredFrame(tCIp cip, tCIU32 *frameID, tCIU8 **frameData)
Return oldest not delivered.
@ kCIVTT_Axn4xB
VFG is Axion CL 4xB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:712
Definition: BFciLib.h:1345
@ kCIBQ_needsFirmware
Definition: BFciLib.h:444
tCIRC CiSysVFGenum(tCIU32 *nFound)
Count the BitFlow VFG.
@ kCIsigGn2pciePktDropped
Gn2 PCIe packet dropped.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1012
@ kCIEnotInitialized
camera not initialized
Definition: BFciLib.h:108
VFG interface is Camera Link.
Definition: BFciLib.h:685
@ kCIEdeviceRevisionErr
device unsupported by this board
Definition: BFciLib.h:141
tCIRC CiTSsequenceGet(tCIp cip, tCIU32 sequencer, tCIU32 *tsArySize, tCITSEP tsAry, tCIU32 *preTrigCT0, tCIU32 *preTrigCT1, tCIU32 *preTrigCT2, tCIU32 *preTrigCT3, tCIU32 *triggerSrc)
Get a sequence in the timing sequencer, returning an array of segments.
@ kCIsigCXPeventFIFOoverflow
CXP event FIFO overflow.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1028
@ kBFupsideDownA
VFG A fills frame bottom up.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1672
unsigned int encPol
0 => assert is rising edge
Definition: BFciLib.h:1840
@ kCIintCountENCB
Definition: BFciLib.h:942
@ kBFTSlow
Trigger low.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2029
double tCIDOUBLE
floating point
Definition: BFciLib.h:56
tCIRC CiSysFindLiveVFGs(tCIU32 recSize, tCIVFGSEP vfgAry)
Query live status of VFGs and connected cameras.
tCIRC CiLoadFirmware(tCIp cip, char *fName)
Load a specific firmware file to VFG.
@ kBFnoTouchAllPages
Definition: BFciLib.h:176
tCIRC CiVFGopen(tCIU32 devNdx, tCIU32 modeFlags, tCIp *cip)
Open a VFG.
@ kCIEnotImplemented
function not available
Definition: BFciLib.h:148
@ kCIintCountCTAB
Definition: BFciLib.h:924
@ kCItrigOneShotStartAStopAlevel
acq wh/trgr asserted; wait hi/lo
Definition: BFciLib.h:1922
Definition: BFciLib.h:1342
Definition: BFciLib.h:1384
tCIU32 VFGnum
Board VFG number.
Definition: BFciLib.h:317
@ kBFTSTencQSel
Quadrature Encoder.
Definition: BFciLib.h:2008
tCIU32 count
number of events represented.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1146
Definition: BFciLib.h:1253
Definition: BFciLib.h:1352
CT0 from CTAB.
Definition: BFciLib.h:1301
tCIRC CiSignalWait(tCIp cip, tCISHP cish, tCIU32 recSize, tCISEDP storeHere, int timeoutMsec)
Wait for a signal.
tCIRC CiCLinit(tCIp cip, tCIU32 dataBits, tCIU32 parity, tCIU32 stopBits, tCIU32 baud9600)
Initialize the frame grabber CL port.
@ kBFCXPnoLinkOK
Definition: BFciLib.h:177