Enumerations | |
enum | tBFCLenums { kBFCLoutFIFOhasRoom = 1, kBFCLoutFIFOempty = 1<<1, kBFCLoutputFIFOidle = kBFCLoutFIFOhasRoom | kBFCLoutFIFOempty } |
Functions | |
tCIRC | CiCLinit (tCIp cip, tCIU32 dataBits, tCIU32 parity, tCIU32 stopBits, tCIU32 baud9600) |
Initialize the frame grabber CL port. More... | |
tCIRC | CiCLgetBytesAvail (tCIp cip, tCIU32 *avail) |
Return number of bytes in buffer. More... | |
tCIRC | CiCLreadBytes (tCIp cip, tCIU32 buffSize, tCIU32 *bytesRead, tCIU8 *buffer) |
Read bytes from buffer. More... | |
tCIRC | CiCLwriteBytesToFIFO (tCIp cip, tCIU32 buffSize, tCIU8 *buffer) |
Write bytes to CL interface. More... | |
tCIRC | CiCLwriteBytes (tCIp cip, tCIU32 buffSize, tCIU8 *buffer) |
Write bytes to CL interface. More... | |
tCIRC | CiCLgetOutputFIFOstatus (tCIp cip, tCIU32 *status) |
Test status of CL output FIFO. More... | |
tCIRC | CiCLinfo (tCIp cip, tCIU32 *dataBits, tCIU32 *parity, tCIU32 *stopBits, tCIU32 *baud) |
Get settings of CL serial port. More... | |
tCIRC | CiCLloopback (tCIp cip, tCIU32 nzSet) |
Set/clear CameraLink loopback. More... | |
tCIRC | CiCLterm (tCIp cip) |
Close CameraLink access. More... | |
enum tBFCLenums |
Return number of bytes in buffer.
cip | this interface |
avail | returns bytes available |
Test status of CL output FIFO.
These bits can be set in the returned CameraLink output FIFO status
cip | this frame grabber |
status | gets status |
Get settings of CL serial port.
cip | this frame grabber |
dataBits | 5, 6, 7, or 8 |
parity | 0==even, 1==odd, or 2==none |
stopBits | 1==1, 2==2, or 3==1.5 (only 5b) |
baud | baud rate (NOT scaled) |
Initialize the frame grabber CL port.
This call sets the serial parameters and flushes any existing data. The supported baud rates are all multiples of 9600 bps.\n
** baud baud9600 ** 9600 1 ** 19200 2 ** 38400 4 ** 57600 6 ** 115200 12 ** 230400 24 ** 460800 48 ** 921600 96
NOTE: The serial interface for a framegrabber can only be open and accessed by one process at a time, except that CiCLinfo() will return the settings irrespective of how the board was opened. NOTE: The 460800 and 921600 baud are only available on Axion.
cip | this frame grabber |
dataBits | 5, 6, 7, or 8 |
parity | 0==none, 1==odd, or 2==even |
stopBits | 1==1, 2==2, or 3==1.5 (only 5b) |
baud9600 | 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, or 48 |
Set/clear CameraLink loopback.
Diagnostic tool only: whatever is written is available to be read.
cip | this interface |
nzSet | 0=>clear (default); else set |
Read bytes from buffer.
cip | this interface |
buffSize | max number of bytes to read |
bytesRead | number of bytes actually read |
buffer | data buffer |
Write bytes to CL interface.
Calls CiCLwriteBytesToFIFO() and then waits for all bytes to exit FIFO.
cip | this interface |
buffSize | number of bytes to write |
buffer | data buffer |