Buffer Interface
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NBFGTLUtilitiesClass library for Gen<i>Cam camera device access via BFGTL
 CBaseNodeBase class for BFGTLUtilities::Device node access and modification
 CBooleanNodeBFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify boolean value nodes
 CCategoryNodeBFGTLUtilities::Device node class to read category nodes and their features
 CCommandNodeBFGTLUtilities::Device node class to execute command nodes
 CDeviceInterface to access and modify features on a Gen<i>Cam device
 CEnumEntryNodeBFGTLUtilities::Device node class to examine enumeration-entry value nodes
 CEnumerationNodeBFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify enumeration value nodes, and read their features
 CFloatNodeBFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify floating-point value nodes
 CIntegerNodeBFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify integer value nodes
 CPortNodeBFGTLUtilities::Device node class to examine port nodes
 CRegisterNodeBFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify register value nodes
 CStringNodeBFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify string value nodes
 CValueNodeBFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify nodes with any kind of value
 NBufferAcquisitionClass library for BitFlow frame grabber acquisition
 CBufferInterfaceBase class for buffered acquisition using a BitFlow frame grabber
 CPropertiesStatic properties of an open BufferAcquisition::BufferInterface
 CCircularInterfaceAcquire images into a circular buffer using a BitFlow frame grabber
 CSequenceInterfaceAcquire a sequence of images using a BitFlow frame grabber
 NCLCommClass library for the Camera Link serial port API
 CBFCLExceptionException thrown for CLAllSerial.h and BFSerial.h API errors
 CCLAllSerialWrapper around the Camera Link serial port API
 NCXPRegClass library for CoaXPress camera register access
 CDeviceInterface to access and modify registers on a CoaXPress camera
 CBFCiExceptionException thrown when a BitFlow SDK error occurs
 CBFExceptionBaseBase class of all BitFlow exception classes
 CBiExceptionException thrown when a BitFlow SDK error occurs
 CInterfaceTypeEnumeration specifying the hardware interface type
 CTraitEnumeration specifying traits that a board may or may not have