Buffer Interface
▼NBFGTLUtilities | Class library for Gen<i>Cam camera device access via BFGTL |
CBooleanNodeBase | |
CCategoryNodeBase | |
CCommandNodeBase | |
CEnumEntryNodeBase | |
CEnumerationNodeBase | |
CFloatNodeBase | |
CIntegerNodeBase | |
CNodeImpT | |
CPortNodeBase | |
CRegisterNodeBase | |
CStringNodeBase | |
CValueNodeBase | |
CBaseNode | Base class for BFGTLUtilities::Device node access and modification |
CBooleanNode | BFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify boolean value nodes |
CCategoryNode | BFGTLUtilities::Device node class to read category nodes and their features |
CCommandNode | BFGTLUtilities::Device node class to execute command nodes |
CDevice | Interface to access and modify features on a Gen<i>Cam device |
CEnumEntryNode | BFGTLUtilities::Device node class to examine enumeration-entry value nodes |
CEnumerationNode | BFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify enumeration value nodes, and read their features |
CFloatNode | BFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify floating-point value nodes |
CIntegerNode | BFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify integer value nodes |
CPortNode | BFGTLUtilities::Device node class to examine port nodes |
CRegisterNode | BFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify register value nodes |
CStringNode | BFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify string value nodes |
CValueNode | BFGTLUtilities::Device node class to access or modify nodes with any kind of value |
▼NBufferAcquisition | Class library for BitFlow frame grabber acquisition |
▼CBufferInterface | Base class for buffered acquisition using a BitFlow frame grabber |
CProperties | Static properties of an open BufferAcquisition::BufferInterface |
CCircularInterface | Acquire images into a circular buffer using a BitFlow frame grabber |
CSequenceInterface | Acquire a sequence of images using a BitFlow frame grabber |
▼NCLComm | Class library for the Camera Link serial port API |
CBFCLException | Exception thrown for CLAllSerial.h and BFSerial.h API errors |
CCLAllSerial | Wrapper around the Camera Link serial port API |
▼NCXPReg | Class library for CoaXPress camera register access |
CDevice | Interface to access and modify registers on a CoaXPress camera |
CBFCiException | Exception thrown when a BitFlow SDK error occurs |
CBFExceptionBase | Base class of all BitFlow exception classes |
CBiException | Exception thrown when a BitFlow SDK error occurs |
CInterfaceType | Enumeration specifying the hardware interface type |
CTrait | Enumeration specifying traits that a board may or may not have |